Welcome to Knox, Flos Presbyterian Church at Crossland.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of George Conn at this time. We are all saddened by the passing of George. Please find the link to the live stream of the service: Celebration of Life for George Conn Dec. 20, 2024
Would you like to know the best kept Church secret in Springwater???
We offer a family friendly service in our Countryside Church every Sunday.
This year Knox celebrated 143 Years of Christian Worship in our Community. Only 7 minutes from Wasaga Beach and 5 minutes from Elmvale, Take the Crossland Road cut off Highway 92. We can be found right on Crossland Road at Concession Road 8. Come and Join us! – Everyone is Welcome.
At Knox, Flos we are:
A Bible Church
Perhaps the most obvious feature of Knox, Flos Presbyterian Church is the centrality of the Bible in all that we do. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Consequently, everything from our patterns of worship to our church structure seeks to reflect clear Biblical teaching and we pray for God’s promises in the Bible to be fulfilled in our various circumstances.
A Gospel Church
The central focus of the whole Bible is to be found in a person – Jesus Christ. Because Knox, Flos Presbyterian is a Bible Church it is also a Jesus-centred Church, a Gospel Church. At the heart of our identity is a passion for sharing and living the good news about Jesus Christ – the gospel. So, in our services each Sunday you will hear the same wonderful message explained from the Bible and applied to everyday life: Jesus Christ, both fully God and fully human, came into the world to seek out and rescue lost, sinful men and women, by bearing their guilt and condemnation on his Cross and rising again to life in victory over sin and death and hell. Because of him Christians live transformed lives. It is this message, far more than any historic or cultural distinctive, that defines us. This is what we are about.
A Mission Church
The gospel message is for everyone. Jesus commanded his church to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19). At Knox, Flos Presbyterian Church we take that command seriously as we seek to bring the gospel message to everyone within our community. We practice an active discipleship through our many actions of love and care that reach outwards from our church to our community and beyond.
A Contemporary Church
Another result of being a Bible Church and a Gospel Church is that we are a Contemporary Church. Everyone is welcome at Knox, Flos Presbyterian Church. The gospel is a ‘change-agent’, bringing new life and fresh challenges to both the church and our society in every age. That means that while Knox, Flos Presbyterian Church continues to prize our heritage and traditions (our church celebrated 148 years of continuous Christian witness this year) we feel compelled to work creatively to bring the good news about Jesus to bear on each generation, convinced that the timeless message of the gospel speaks to your life with up-to-the-minute relevance and power. Everyone is welcome at Knox, Flos Presbyterian.
A Connected Church
One of the great needs of our day is the need for connection, for a sense of belonging. As a church we believe that our congregation is responsible for the spread of the good news in our location. Our Church is led by a group of elders (the New Testament Greek word for elder is presbyter, hence ‘Presbyterian’), at least one of whom has been trained and given specific responsibilities for teaching and preaching. Together the local elders are known as the Session. Our Session is represented at a regional level at a meeting called the Presbytery, and each Presbytery is represented at a national level at the annual General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. In this way Knox, Flos Presbyterian seeks to ensure that we share a common vision, that we are able to offer support, and remain accountable to one another as members together as the Body of Christ, the church within our community.
Our mission is not to grow an organization. Nor is it to become just another club or group within the community. We exist because of Jesus Christ. We want to fulfil his commission to us to ‘make disciples’. That means we share his message so that men, women, boys and girls who would know, love, follow, worship, confess and serve Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A life described by Jesus as lived to the full (John 10:10) and eternal (John 17:3).
Knox Flos Presbyterian Church – www.knoxflos.com
Knox Flos is part of a two point pastoral charge with Elmvale Presbyterian which has been in existence for over 117 years.
We would love to see you! Welcome to Knox, Flos Presbyterian.
Service Time: 9:45 a.m.
County Road 29 & Flos Road 8
Telephone: Rev Tom Mason – 705-441-5525