WHATS GOING ON AT ELMVALE PRESBYTERIAN?Are you Interested in finding out more about Faith or Our Church? Please contact Rev Tom at 705-322-1411 or Cell 705-441-5525 or by email tomsmason@hotamil.com if you are interested.
For more information on what’s going on Call:
Rev Tom – 705-441-5525, Deanna at the Church Office – 705-322-1411 or Marlene, Clerk of Session – 705-322-1843
The Church is open from 11am-3pm Sunday through Wednesday. (Please call or reach out to us through email if you have an urgent request.)\
Bible Study will commence Tuesday 15th October at 2pm in the Parlor and continue each Tuesday 22nd, 29th, and 5th November – as we look and discuss Billy Graham’s book “Nearing Home” This will be an in person afternoon book study, everyone is welcome. Please let Elizabeth know if you plan to attend and we will order the book for you. This is a wonderful read.
“LETS DO LUNCH ANYONE?” Please note folks – “Let’s Do Lunch” will be held on Thursday November 14th Take out Costs $6 and eat in is $5. – please phone the church(705 322 1411) on the Monday prior(9-noon) to place your order. Pick up for take out will be from 11:15 to 11:45
Holy Communion Dates 2024 – Elmvale and Knox, Flos Presbyterian
Sunday 1st December – First Sunday in Advent both Elmvale and Knox, Flos at Crossland.
English as a Second Language Information available.
The Elmvale Community Youth Group will meet on the first and last Tuesdays of the month from 7 – 8:30 p.m. at Elmvale Presbyterian. All High School Young people are most welcome to join. Please contact Linda at scoutlindamurray@gmail.com for more details.
Elmvale and Knox, Flos at Crossland Presbyterian Worship Service. Every Sunday – Knox, Flos at 9.45am and Elmvale Presbyterian at 11am, Peace and Blessings to you and your family.
The August congregational Letter was sent out by email, please let us know if you would like a copy.