Upcoming Events

WHATS GOING ON AT ELMVALE PRESBYTERIAN?Are you Interested in finding out  more about Faith or Our Church? Please contact Rev Tom at 705-322-1411 or Cell 705-441-5525 or by email tomsmason@hotamil.com if you are interested.

For more information on  what’s going on Call:
Rev Tom – 705-441-5525, Deanna at the Church Office – 705-322-1411 or Marlene, Clerk of Session – 705-322-1843
The Church is open from 11am-3pm Sunday through Wednesday. (Please call or reach out to us through email if you have an urgent request.)

Bible Study will resume in the fall

Book the dates of Aug 12 – 16 for this years Vacation Bible Camp                                        @ Elmvale Presbyterian Church. vacation bible school 2024 scuba – Search Videos (bing.com)

Elmvale Presbyterian Church is hosting the SCUBA VBC this year from Aug. 12 -16 from 9 a.m. to noon.

Children are invited on an incredible undersea journey to discover the boundless, eternal love of God.

Special guest ERROL LEE : https://www.errollee.com

Open to all youth who have completed J.K. through Gr. 5. Youth who have finished Gr. 6 and above may apply to be youth leaders.

Click on the following link below to download the registration form:

scuba 2 reg

“LETS DO LUNCH ANYONE?” Please note folks – “Let’s Do Lunch” will be held on Thursday Aug. 8 Take out Costs $6 and eat in is $5. –  please phone the church(705 322 1411) on the Monday prior(9-noon)  to place your order. Pick up for take out will be from 11:15 to 11:45

Holy Communion Dates 2024 – Elmvale and Knox, Flos  Presbyterian

Sunday 4th February – Holy Communion.

Palm Sunday – Sunday 24th March – Holy Communion.

Sunday 9th June – Holy Communion.

Sunday 6th October – World Communion Day.

Sunday 1st December – First Sunday in Advent.

English as a Second Language resumes on Monday 26th February and Monday 4th March at the Church. Please note there will be no ESL over the March break 11-15th February.
The Elmvale Community Youth Group will meet on the first and last Tuesdays of the month from 7 – 8:30 p.m. at Elmvale Presbyterian. All High School Young people are most welcome to join. Please contact Linda at scoutlindamurray@gmail.com for more details.

Elmvale and Knox, Flos at Crossland Presbyterian Worship Service. Every Sunday – Knox, Flos at 9.45am and Elmvale Presbyterian at 11am, Peace and Blessings to you and your family.


The  April Congregational Letter was sent out by email on May 3

Sunday Worship Service at 11am. Elmvale Presbyterian Serving Christ & community since 1860